# Hiring 103 : Picking the perfect staff is the secret ingredient

09.07.20 05:24 PM By Kruthi Gonwar - Comment(s)
# Hiring 103 : Picking the perfect staff is the secret ingredient
You’re sitting in front of your screen, the clock ticking and your fingers glued to your keyboard. You’re pressed for time, and you need to close a job opening in the next couple of days.

#Hiring 102: Building effective teams is an art

09.07.20 05:17 PM By Kruthi Gonwar - Comment(s)
#Hiring 102: Building effective teams is an art
Time and again, recruitment gurus have stressed the need to have a hiring process that is inclusive, unbiased, and that focuses on ensuring a potential candidate fits right within the company’s culture.

# Hiring 101 : Recruitment isn’t rocket science

09.07.20 05:08 PM By Kruthi Gonwar - Comment(s)

“Houston, we have a problem.”

Recruiters are often stuck in a spiral that’s difficult to break. They’re constantly tweaking processes to find the best hire for every job opening, and doing it in as short a time as possible. But what if the right talent isn’t applying? Or if your j...

No more defense. Go slam dunk on the right hire.

08.07.20 05:20 PM By Abirami Shanmugam - Comment(s)
No more defense. Go slam dunk on the right hire.
Finding the best candidate and improving the recruiting strategy has always been a daunting task for any Recruiter. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered; here are a few hiring tips to help you seek out the best, most-appropriate candidates.

Footballers, Recruiters - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

08.07.20 04:57 PM By Pradyumn - Comment(s)
Footballers, Recruiters - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Being a recruiter can be both the most challenging and the most rewarding role in an organization. This is why every recruiter is like a soccer team’s skipper.

Candidate Experience: Recruit Ahead of the Curve

07.07.20 05:33 PM By Abirami Shanmugam - Comment(s)
Candidate Experience: Recruit Ahead of the Curve
The current job market is 90% candidate-driven. Because a positive candidate experience is synonymous with good employer branding, we’ve put together a few takeaways to help you improve yours.

Hiring Pro-tips for Every Recruiter

07.07.20 12:25 PM By Aruna - Comment(s)
Hiring Pro-tips for Every Recruiter
Assess, interview, hire, repeat. And the cycle goes on. Hourly. Daily. I don’t have to tell you how hard recruiting can be. But at the end of the day, it’s always worth it. Because when you hire a person, you change their life by giving them a career and all that that affords.